Hebron Commons
A community Development Organization
Bringing affordable housing to Hebron
Who We Are
Founded by a band of Jickler’s brother way back in 1923,
this charity organization has initially started its worldwide crusade for justice and humanitarian help as a part of the short-lived League of Nations…
When it was succeeded by the United Nations, we’ve carried on with our work.Every year we help millions!
Causes We Work for...
EasternEuropean Projects
With human rights violations in Russia & Belarus, human trafficking
and poverty raging on - we've just got to step in!
Recent Blog Entries
For Them Electricity is a Luxury
Just as it goes with the water & food supply globally, electricity is also something that billions of…
Women Rights in Saudi Arabia
When my wife visited this country almost 40 years ago, she's been telling me about all the human…
55 Million Americans Need Charity
Yes, you've read it right - in the richest country on the face of Earth - the United…